
Mr Foiz Ahmed

Consultant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon

AboutBook your consultation

Face Procedures

The face is how we usually present ourselves to the world, so a little professional help in making this the best version of ourselves can be useful.

Mr Ahmed can help you freshen up your look, whether it is by removing excess skin around the eyes (an upper or lower lid blepharoplasty), or through something a little more significant such as a face lift.

Mr Ahmed has been personally trained in face-lifting by some of the country’s most eminent plastic surgeons and will endeavour to give you that gentle, natural improvement, whilst avoiding the over-tightened look.

If prominent ears are the concern, Mr Ahmed can help you address this either through traditional surgical pinnaplasty, or using the latest innovation of the EarFold device (https://www.earfold.co.uk/) Mr Ahmed has been extensively trained by the inventor of the device, and is therefore well qualified to help give you the result you desire.


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